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State in Western Europe European Union member
Capital - Berlin
Official language - German
Head of state - President
Head of government - Federal Chancellor
Monetary unit: Euro = 100 Cents
Issuing authority - European Central Bank;
Deutsche Bundesbank (on instructions of ECB issues Euro banknotes, issues Euro coins and exchanges Deutsche Mark to Euro)
by the Deutsche Bundesbank
until further notice of the bank
• All banknotes denominated in Deutsche Mark (FRG)of 1948-1949.
without time limit
• All banknotes denominated in Deutsche Mark (FRG) of 1960-1990 without time limit
• Banknotes issued in 1991:
5 Mark.
• Banknotes issued in 1989-1993:
10 Mark.
• Banknotes issued in 1991 and 1993:
20 Mark.
• Banknotes issued in 1989-1993 and 1996:
50 Mark.
• Banknotes issued in 1989-1993 and 1996: 100 Mark.
• Banknotes issued 1989 and 1996:
200 Mark.
• Banknotes issued in 1991:
500 Mark.
• Banknotes issued in 1991 and 1993:
1000 Mark.
On Jan. 1, 2002 the EC monetary unit Euro was introduced.
Deutsche Mark is exchanged to Euro at the ratio 1,95583:1.
• June 1948 - all banknotes denominated in Reichsmarks (introduced August 30,1924) and all banknotes denominated in Occupation Marks (introduced 1945)
US, UK and French forces (later in this territory the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) was established).
June 21,1948. Deutsche (Western German) Mark was introduced
instead of Reichsmark and Occupation Mark.
• June, 1948 - all banknotes denominated in Reichsmarks and all banknotes denominated in Occupation Marks - in the eastern zone of Germany occupied by Soviet forces (later in this territory the German Democratic Republic (GDR) was established).
June 24,1948. Coupon-Mark was introduced instead of Reichsmark and Occupation Mark.
• July, 1948. All banknotes denominated in Coupon-Marks - in the eastern zone of Germany.
July 20,1948. East-German Mark was introduced instead of
• October 03,1990. All banknotes denominated in East-German Marks - due to unification of Germany.
01.07.1990. Deutsche Mark (FRG) became the single national
currency in the consolidated Germany.